Thursday, June 18, 2009

Big Brothers are Cool

I thought I would join the first actual run of my script on a blog to make sure everything works... and explain why I can't immediately fix things if they don't.

Mom has been camping with a bunch of 12-18 year old girls since Tuesday. With the help of my sister-in-law and mother-in-law, and a midnight formula run by a saintly neighbor, we are surviving and generally enjoying father-son-son time. But we are all sporting clear "I want Mommy!" expressions.

I have been trying to keep up with my job from home as I act as jungle gym to my three-year-old and on-demand-noise-maker to my seven-month-old. As a dad I see the gradual sliding onto my keyboard and the split-second warning "Can I jump on you?" as privileges I should reserve to myself, so when I see Ethan squashing or otherwise crowding his younger brother I usually try to slide in between them. I have come in too late a few times this week. More often than not, the shrieks I expected to replace my resigned sighs came out as a particular belly-laugh that only a big brother could evoke.

Noah knows he has a pretty cool big brother.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


  1. How sweet! Hope the remaining time w/o mommy comes to an end quickly.

  2. He IS a pretty cool big brother. I'm glad you're surviving. And I HOPE Tiffany is survivng. A few more hours, right? :)

  3. I must have camped with girls every summer for oh 20 years or so--each time Mr. J held down the ranch. Dads are great. Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!

  4. Hang in there (you've got to love girls' camp)-- and big brothers are the greatest (and not just because I happen to be one).
